Use "guidepost|guideposts" in a sentence

1. Apparently Grijalva has declared himself the moral guidepost for other local pols.

2. Your guidepost stands out like a tenfold beacon in the night -- Duty -- Honor -- Country.

3. Without these guideposts, the view deep into the year has grown very murky.

4. Your guidepost stands out like a ten - fold beacon in the night: Duty, honor, country.

5. The IEA outlook, a guidepost for industry trends, is scheduled to be released Nov.

6. Having been implemented on our ZCZ distributed computer system, GUIDEPOST has proved to be a better ...

7. Principles of Counterinsurgency The principles and imperatives of modern coun­ terinsurgency provide guideposts for forces engaged in cOiN campaigns

8. The emerging organizational territory has neither guidebooks nor guideposts to help employees acquire or regain a sense of balance with their environment.

9. 21 The emerging organizational territory has neither guidebooks nor guideposts to help employees acquire or regain a sense of balance with their environment.

10. A large cap equity Benchmark should not be the guidepost for assessing their diversified portfolio, even if it is the index most often referenced in the news

11. However, the approach of the actor is, and the guideposts to Auditioning are clear, and easy to follow, they provide the actor with great tools to take into a casting environment and focus on performing what they have rehearsed